July Newsletter
We hope mid-summer is treating you well! (And that your family did not tempt you with corn on the cob and watermelon on the 4th of July!) It is hard to believe it is Mid July and we are half way through summer break! We have some great upcoming events and we would love to see you attend! July 12th- this Thursday at 5pm is our InstaPot KETO workshop- phase 1-4 friendly recipes for you to expand your horizon, bring a friend and be entered twice to win an InstaPot! August 29th- don't forget Chef Verati is coming to see YOU! He is traveling all over the world and is excited to be making a stop in Omaha! Meet at HOPE LODGE (89th and Dodge) by 7pm to see his fantastic show. We ask that you consider arriving early to help serve a nutritious supper to the oncology patients staying at the LODGE. Bring a can food item to donate to their pantry as well. WIN a free cookbook signed by Chef Verati! B...